More than a hundred years ago, Albert Einstein addressed the scientific community, presenting the idea that everything we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell is not matter, but energy. 'Everything that "matters" is energy!' Resultantly, Quantum Physics has proven this concept to be true.
Our bodies, every cell, muscle, organ and bodily system is made of energy. There are two types of energy, that govern our mind, body, and spirit. These two forces are catabolic and anabolic energy. Catabolic energy is destructive in nature and effects us in negative ways. Anabolic energy in constructive, heals, and has positive effects.
Every thought, emotion and behavior we have emits an energetic frequency. Emotions like love or empathy are constructive and anabolic, while emotions like hate or guilt are destructive and catabolic. Thoughts like "I can do it" are anabolic, while thoughts like "I'm not good enough" are catabolic.
If a person experiences a lot of catabolic thoughts, emotions and behaviors, this energy will drag them down, interfere with their ability to take positive action, and may eventually manifest itself in disease. On the other hand, if a person experiences a lot of anabolic thoughts emotions and behaviors, this energy will have a healing effect and increase our ability to make effective life choices.
We can reduce catabolic energy and increase anabolic energy by building awareness of the different energy levels and eliminating energy blocks.
Take a moment to read the following words to yourself:
Gloom, hardship, despair, loss, sorrow, pain, tears, rejection, misery, depression, fear, dread
How do you feel? Notice the position of your body.
Now slowly read the next list:
Joy, Silly, Jolly, Cheerful, Laughter, Playful, Fun Exuberant, Giggles, Pleasure, Warmth, Amusement, Energized!
Now how do you feel?
I hope this illustrates to you that there is an energy to everything and that thoughts (and words) do transform our feelings and behaviors depending on what thoughts we choose to have. So next time a negative catabolic thought pops in your head, kick it to the curb and replace it with a more empowering thought. Your mind, body, and spirit will be glad you did!
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