Have you ever heard the saying "Practice Makes Perfect?" In order to receive better grades students are urged to study more. In order to lose weight clients are urged to work out more and so forth. This concept is used in many facets of life but I think it is quite over looked in one very important area of life. Happiness.
Happiness is derived from a feeling that stems from within. To some people happiness includes feeling at peace, to some it lies in feeling secure, and for others it may be tapping into ones life's purpose. Each persons definition of happiness is unique. Therefore it is important to think about what happiness means to you.
So many people, including myself, struggle to hold on to that feeling for a significant amount of time. Some bad news arrives, events don't go according to plan, or some other life circumstance happens, and all of a sudden the feeling of happiness is gone and some other negative feeling takes over.
Practicing happiness is one way to be able to get the feeling back more quickly when life throws you curve balls. How do you practice happiness you may ask?
The first step is to define what your personal happiness feels like. By focusing on what thoughts and emotions you would like to attain such as gratitude, tolerance, confidence, spirituality etc and by letting go of specific projects events and outcomes you not only start to make deeper neural connections and imprints associated with that feeling in your brain but you also open up the door for the universe to bring about your desires. You become a part of the greater flow of the universe and life takes on a larger meaning.
Visualizing your happiness for 5 minutes a day can help shift your consciousness and energy levels enabling you to get in the right frame of mind to find solutions and tackle life.
Taking a few moments to close your eyes and feel peace, love, or what ever feeling it is your desiring opens up the channels of holographic thinking. Holographic thinking involves our ability to see multiple perspectives at once. We see the situation as a whole, taking in all dimensions. We incorporate our intuition, emotional awareness, experience, knowledge and logic. This thinking yields the greatest chance for success and happiness in life.
One of my favorite advocates of visualization is Mike Dooley. Check out his website at www.tut.com to learn more.
Now take a few minutes to feeeeeeeeel. It gets much easier the more you practice and it takes no more than 5 minutes a day. The benefits are so worth it!
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