Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Joy Pump Pump It Up!

I am so excited to share this video with you because the Journey to Joy book launch, of which I am a co-author, is upon us!! WOOHOO

Initially, I had never given much thought to the word JOY or to what it takes to bring JOY into my life. I was very goal oriented and focused on what goals I wanted to achieve but I never pondered joy before. Well, let me just share that once I started to think about the joy I currently have in my life and how I could bring more joy into the world of Sarah...... well...... SHAZAM! something shifted and there was no turning back.

Its true that what you focus on grows so I challenge you to focus on JOY!! For example, right now, sing out loud or in your mind if your a shy one the words of my boy Rob Base. DO IT!!!! I'll start...

Joy (pump pump it up! ) and pain
Like sunshine and rain

Now you...

Joy and pain
Like sunshine and rain

See?! You can't do it without feeling good!! You may feel silly but silly is joy with a funny bone.

So focus on joy and bringing joy into your life. Give it some thought and follow that with some joyful actions.  Pop some popcorn without the lid on. Buy a children's coloring book and spend 10 minutes a day coloring in it. (You WILL feel happy I swear it) Do whatever brings you feelings of joy!!!!!!

In the words of Mother Theresa ~ A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.

Love and Joy to you all!


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