Monday, January 14, 2013

Re-charge, Re-focus, Reveal a Better You in 2013

You don’t have to take life the way it comes to you. You can design your life to come to you the way you want it.

This is your life, your one and only life, and you don’t want to miss any part of it. Lets not only live the length of our life but lets live the width of our life as well.

What is your life going to be? You decide. Starting today. Starting here and now.

Do you ever feel like there isn’t enough time to focus on what YOU want for your life? Do you sometimes get to the end of the day and think where did this day go? What have I accomplished?

Well you have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Beyonce, Mother Theresa, and Albert Einstein.

Are you thinking well they are exceptions or have something you lack? POPPYCOCK!

There has never been another you. You are a once in history event!! You are one of a kind and therefore no one can really predict what heights you may soar. Well there is one person and that person is you!!

You may not be able to see your undeveloped potential, but it is there--- and it is enormous!!!

Decide what’s next in your life and strategize how to get it! Live your life on purpose. The best day of your life is the day on which you decide your life is your own, the day that you realize your life is an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.

Life is about the choices you make so it is important to choose wisely. One way to make happy healthy choices is to choose your values and let your values be your guiding stars. Your values are personal choices you make about what’s important to you. Being guided by your top values brings immense satisfaction and meaning to life.

Examples of values are fun, communication, beauty, family, friendship, health, wealth, learning, community, faith, integrity and many more. Identifying your lifetime values is a shortcut to identifying your top goals in life.  

Who do you want to be? How do you want to live your life? Take some time right now and think about your top values.

Think Big! Most people don’t aim to high and miss they aim to low and hit! When you hit the end of your life do you want to be one of those people who are glad they did, or one of the people who wished they had?

Start doing things today that will matter tomorrow. Don’t leave this world without giving it your all!!!!

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