Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bah Hum Bug

I thought I would share with you an e-mail exchange between myself and a good friend of mine as I think there are some hidden nuggets of wisdom within it.

She wrote the following:

Remember my rant last year about holidays and how stores are ridiculous with putting holiday stuff out too early, playing Xmas music in October,etc.? WELL, I was just in f--king Hallmark, and their Halloween AND some Christmas stuff is out already. IT'S JULY 25th!!!! 

I don't get it!!!!!!I complained to Manager and told her to tell corporate I was pissed.Why does it anger me so much?!?!?

This was my response:

Well my dear ..... let me play life coach for a moment...

Anger is born out of love of self or others.  When you're angry, it's because you feel that someone or something is somehow a threat to yourself or someone or something you love or value.
If you ask me, putting the items out WAY before its time lessens the impact of the holidays that you love. It takes away from it being special and unique and therefore threatens something you hold dear.
Her response:
You nailed it.  Makes it like any other ordinary day..UGH!!!

I think there is a lot to be learned from this brief e-mail exchange.

1. The next time you become angry over something and your not sure why, ask yourself what is being threatened? What value that you have is being compromised? 

2. Speak up for what you believe in. I commend my friend for speaking up for something that upset her. Knowing her, I am sure she did it in a very kind way... Don't let the feisty e-mail fool you -- she is very polite.

3. Question. Question. Question. Asking questions about yourself and the world around you are what makes things better!! Just imagine if Columbus never questioned the shape of the world, or if Orville Redenbacher never questioned the uses of corn, or if the inventor of Botox never questioned how to fill in wrinkles.... 

We would have a flat,  popcorn-less, wrinkled existence and that is simply no fun! 

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