Research studies show most adults gain some weight over the holidays. Bah Humbug!
Don’t despair because this year can be different! Just like in the Charles Dickens's novel A Christmas Carol, sometimes we need to take a journey and ponder our past, present and future holiday eating habits to ensure we don't repeat the same weight gain inducing mistakes again.
A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past....
In the past, what were your downfalls during the holidays? Did you go to parties ravenous? Did you not think about how you would handle temptations?
A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future....
Imagine yourself sitting at a food filled holiday table a year from now. What choices would you ideally be making in regards to food and weight management? Be as specific as you can be. Will you listen to your body when it is full? Will you attempt to load up on more vegetables?
A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Present....
I am going to give you 7 strategies for how to handle this holiday season and I challenge you to pick two that you identify with and put them into practice over the holidays.
1. Get moving! Right now, schedule into your calendar when you will exercise. If you have no time to go to the gym then involve your children and loved ones in a fitness game. Any time someone says a chosen word like Santa, snowman, or reindeer, everyone must do 20 jumping jacks (or exercise of your choice).
2. Aim for seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Loading up on healthy food will help fill-up your stomach but not your calorie level.
3. Limit treats to one-a-day. Holidays are meant to be fun so don't deprive yourself. Simply, allow yourself one small serving of a cookie or piece of candy each day during the holiday season. Think about balancing out the extra calories by reducing your caloric intake later in the day or by burning a few extra calories while exercising.
4. Always plan ahead – Never go to a party hungry. Eat a healthy snack before you go to a party so you control your hunger and it doesn't control you.
5. Be in charge of your party choices: use a small plate, avoid sauce s, watch for empty calories from drinks.
6. Say No Politely. Have you ever felt forced to eat food because people keep putting it in front of you? Learn to say "No thank you, I’ve had enough.", or "I couldn’t eat another bite. Everything tasted fantastic".
7. Focus on socializing. Put your energies towards making conversation with others instead of focusing on foods.
Have a wonderful holiday and "God bless us every one!"
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