Sunday, December 18, 2011

Handling Festivity Feasts!

Research studies show most adults gain some weight over the holidays. Bah Humbug!

Don’t despair because this year can be different! Just like in the Charles Dickens's novel A Christmas Carol, sometimes we need to take a journey and ponder our past, present and future holiday eating habits to ensure we don't repeat the same weight gain inducing mistakes again.

A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Past....

In the past, what were your downfalls during the holidays? Did you go to parties ravenous? Did you not think about how you would handle temptations?

A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Future....

Imagine yourself sitting at a food filled holiday table a year from now. What choices would you ideally be making in regards to food and weight management? Be as specific as you can be. Will you listen to your body when it is full? Will you attempt to load up on more vegetables?

A visit from the Ghost of Christmas Present....

I am going to give you 7 strategies for how to handle this holiday season and I challenge you to pick two that you identify with and put them into practice over the holidays.

1. Get moving! Right now, schedule into your calendar when you will exercise. If you have no time to go to the gym then involve your children and loved ones in a fitness game. Any time someone says a chosen word like Santa, snowman, or reindeer, everyone must do 20 jumping jacks (or exercise of your choice).

2. Aim for seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Loading up on healthy food will help fill-up your stomach but not your calorie level.

3. Limit treats to one-a-day. Holidays are meant to be fun so don't deprive yourself. Simply, allow yourself one small serving of a cookie or piece of candy each day during the holiday season. Think about balancing out the extra calories by reducing your caloric intake later in the day or by burning a few extra calories while exercising.

4. Always plan ahead – Never go to a party hungry. Eat a healthy snack before you go to a party so you control your hunger and it doesn't control you.

5. Be in charge of your party choices: use a small plate, avoid sauce
s, watch for empty calories from drinks.

6. Say No Politely. Have you ever felt forced to eat food because people keep putting it in front of you? Learn to say "No thank you, I’ve had enough.", or "I couldn’t eat another bite. Everything tasted fantastic".

7. Focus on socializing. Put your energies towards making conversation with others instead of focusing on foods.

Have a wonderful holiday and "God bless us every one!"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Positive Attitude is the Key to Success

What a wonderful weekend I just had at the ACAC Fitness Summit in Virginia. I was fortunate enough to present my Cardio Dance Party Class to fellow instructors and we had a blast.

As the resident Life Coach, while driving in a van with 10 other woman for 6 hours to the Fitness Summit, I was asked how to help people navigate challenges and keep a positive attitude. I thought the following poem contained some fabulous mantras that are definitely words to live by.

I suggest you pick a line or two that speaks to you and use that as a mantra for yourself this week. Let it help you shift your energy from negative to positive and give you strength to navigate any challenges you may come across over the next few days.

A Positive Attitude is the Key to Success

Before you say "I can't," make sure you've already tried.
Before you let doubts stop you, confront them with facts.
Before reasons convince you its impossible , pursue the one reason that makes it possible.
Before failure enters your mind, hide success in your heart.
Before fear holds you back, go forward with faith.
Before problems interfere with your plans, use them to accomplish your goals.
Before you hold back because you think others are better, show them what a winner you are.
Before you settle for less, hold on to what is most important.
Before you believe there is no way, keep going and you'll make one.
Before you give up, be at peace inside.
Before you dismiss your dreams, wait until they have come true.
Before you go looking for happiness, make your own where you are!

By:Nancye Sims

'Coach' ya later!
Believe. Become. Succeed.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Prosperity Hormone

Ellie Drake of BraveHeartWomen held a teleconference this evening that was fascinating in its explanation of what they call the prosperity hormones of men and women.

I was amazed to find out that the hormones that effect the prosperity of men and woman are different and societies current model of success lends itself to the prosperity of men and NOT woman.

But all that is about to change! Lets start with a little science refresher....

There are two pathways in the nervous system:

Te first is the sympathetic pathway, which triggers the “fight or flight” system and releases the hormone ADRENALINE. This is the MALE prosperity hormone.

This hormone works great for men. In fact, men REQUIRE it in order to inspire, influence, prosper & succeed.

Adrenaline is good for some things in a woman’s life. For example, if someone near us is in danger it allows us to react and act quickly to protect or help the person.

But for women this “fight or flight” hormone actually gets in our way! We don’t need adrenaline when it comes to prosperity!

Woman who create prosperity l do so because they are NOT tapped into the adrenaline hormone they are tapped into OXYTOCIN. This comes from the parasympathetic nervous system.


This is the hormone that is released during childbirth and allows you to bond with your newborn. It’s the hormone that allows milk to let down.

Women need oxytocin in life and in business!

When woman tap into the “fight or flight” way of thinking, our body sends a signal that we’re “not safe.” This signal is sent from our hypothalamus, which demands the body to release adrenaline, and adrenaline is the antagonist to oxytocin. We produce adrenaline but unlike men we can’t process it.

When we’re producing adrenaline we become biochemically incongruent with our mission & purpose; our body is in conflict; and we’re resisting & fighting against ourselves. We’re not in a state of FLOW.

So, how do we tap into the right pathway?

We need to de-adrenalizing and increase our oxytocin levels.

The following is a brief overview of how that can be done.

1) Adapting our breathing to focus on the EXHALE triggering the parasympathetic system and therefore releasing oxytocin.

2) Practicing gentle affirmations that produce oxytocin and not adrenaline.

3) Adjusting our body language. Specifically connecting to our belly known as our 'second brain'. Foe woman this is critical as holding a lot of our energy in our chest and shoulders releases adrenaline.

4) Altering the vibration of our voice. The sound and pitch of our voice tells us if we should be in “fight or flight” or “tend and befriend.” When the pitch is higher, we trigger “fight or flight.” When we speak from the belly, the pitch is lower, and this triggers the prosperity hormone.

When we tap into oxytocin we can achieve more synchronistic results, attract more positive energy into our lives, and we can fully express our sense of value.

This creates a definite shift in how we create our lives, realize our goals, and manifest our dreams!

If you want to learn more check out

Exhale ya later!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Power of Words

Your words are your wand. Choose them wisely!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Philly Fit Workout-A-Thon

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 4th Annual PhillyFit Workout-A-Thon and presenting my Cardio Dance Party workout for which I won "Most Fun" workout!

It was great to see 150 people of varying ages and fitness levels experience the 18 different workouts that were presented. It goes to show fitness IS fun and when you let go of insecurities and strive to do your best, regardless of the body builder or couch potato next to you, sharing a workout can be a very bonding experience!!

Shifting from working out for only the physical benefits to working out for the amazing way it FEELS as well as the plethora of health benefits makes all the difference it the world. It is what changes you from a want-to-be workout participant to a lifetime fitness fan!

So start tapping into how you FEEL from working out and look for opportunities to get to know those working out around you! Do this and you'll be saying " I can't 'weight' for my next workout!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Empowering Transformations For Women BOOK

I AM GRATEFUL to be one of the authors in this new women’s anthology book “Empowering Transformations for Women” and am happy to announce we have already made Amazons Top Ten list in three categories!! Woohoo!!

In this book I share a part of my journey through life in the hopes that you will be inspired to courageously make it through your life's challenges with a renewed confidence and strengthened sense of self.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed the process of its collaboration.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How do you view your world?

What a great reminder to challenge our perceptions and judgements! Through what lens do you see your world? Does the lens through which you look help you become a better more content person?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Believe Book by Dan Zadra & Kobi Yamada

The tagline of my business is Believe. Become. Succeed. This short video exemplifies why the first step towards lasting success is belief.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Years Resolutions

With the New Year comes New Years Resolutions and around this time of the month peoples motivation tend to lose momentum.

Usually come January 1 people have declared an overt goal like wanting to lose weight, wanting to change jobs, or wanting a different kind of relationship. These are outer directed goals, but with each outer goal there is a deeper inner motivation for wanting to achieve the goal or change. That is sometimes referred to as a covert goal. For example a person may want to double their salary but the core motivation is they want increased freedom, security, and power.

Once a person taps into the covert driving force or reason for wanting the change then and only then will they get sustainable results. Once you tap into this true agenda you can create action steps, move forward, and most importantly have lasting results.

Asking yourself the following questions will help you tap into the core motivation for wanting any change you may desire.

1. What is missing from the current situation and why is it desired and important? Put another way, what has remaining unchanged costing you? For example, if you are over weight you may be missing the ability to run around with your children because you lack the energy or get easily winded. This has cost you valuable bonding time with your children.

2. How do you benefit from remaining the same? For example if your goal is to stop smoking you may benefit from continued smoking because you enjoy the social time that you and your peers have while sharing a cigarette.

3. What costs are to be paid in order to make the change? For example, you may want to change jobs but you may have to take a pay cut to do so.

4. What are the benefits for the desired change and why? For example, changing relationships may provide you with and increased sense of freedom and that freedom is important to you because your partner is very over protective.

After answering these 4 questions in as much detail as you can you will have a better idea of why you really want to change (or not) and what it will take to reach your desire goal.