Recently I have been giving a lot of lunch and learn workshops on 'Back to the Basics Nutrition' so I thought I would share my FIVE SIMPLE WAYS TO ADD NUTRITION TO YOUR DIET.
Often people focus on what they need to take away from their diet but I think ADDING healthy foods to a persons current diet is just what's needed to shift eating habits in the right direction and create a positive momentum.

1. Start by focusing on getting the recommended 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. During a meal, I try and eat my vegetables first. That way I know I am getting my nutrients and feel good about eating whats foods are to follow.
2. Add Superfruits to your diet. Personally, I get my SuperFruits from Genesis Pure ( but you can find many of them at health food stores. They often come in liquid form so read your labels and be sure they are pure.... some brands like to water them down.
o Açaí (Brazil) - Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
o Noni (South Pacific Islands) – High fiber for digestive health, boosts immunity, supports serotonin levels.
o Goji- (China, Tibet, India) – Known as “The Happy Berry” for its positive effects on mood and cardiovascular health.
o Mangosteen (South Pacific Islands, Malaysia) – Powerful antioxidant that protects against free-radicals.
3. Add hemp (20 amino acids, omega fatty acids, complete protein) and/or flaxseed (omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, fiber) to cereals, salads and mac and cheese. I loooooove hemp and flax! I add it to my daughters pancakes and make them for her friends during sleepovers. They gobble them up and have no clue they are full of goodness. These products come in a bag and are available at many health food stores as well as at Wegmans.
4. Add Spirulina (amino acids, B12) to smoothies. Smoothies can be made any way you like and the taste won't be altered by adding this 100% natural, highly nutritious micro salt water plant. In the USA, NASA have chosen to use it for astronauts food in space, and even plan to grow and harvest it in space stations in the near future.
5. Drink more water! MY BIGGEST PUSH!!! • Your brain is 76% water, your blood is 82% water and your lungs are 90% water. • When you dehydrate a muscle by only 3% you cause a 10% loss of contractile strength, and an 8% loss of speed. • A 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed page. • 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. • Even mild dehydration will slow down your bodys metabolism by as much as 3%
I am going to go and get a big glass of water right now!!