This past August I had the pleasure of being the guest Expert Wellness Coach on the TV show Navigating Your Life with Dr. Nat Williams. The topic of discussion was change. What better time to explore the concept of change then the transformational fall season.
How do you view change? Do you embrace change or fear change? Do you view change as an opportunity or something to resist at all costs?
People who tap into their inner passions and achieve high levels of success easily adapt to change because, to them, change is simply another way of taking charge of their lives and fully living. They completely embrace the idea that life is a journey, a becoming, a growing. Life IS change.
Fear is often the basis for any negative notions a person has about the concept of change. If you have fear surrounding a change you want to make it is important to build a strong relationship with your fear by identifying the fear and then taking action to alleviate the fear. Writing down your fears or sharing your fears with a friend often helps ease some of the trepidation.
Once you face your fear, you'll find that it begins to lose its power over you. Instead of you becoming confined by the emotion, you now have the upper hand and can take action.
The next step is to be very clear about what it is that you want to change and exactly what achieving the change means to you. When you know something is important to you and why it’s important then a fuel burns inside you to achieve your goal and you can use that fuel to overcome fear and drive you forward.
Create a list of why you want to change and keep that list in a place you see often, such as in your wallet and/or on your bathroom mirror. Before you know it your fear will be a thing of the past and your transformation will have begun!